Simple 30-Second Ritual Lowers Blood Sugar 

Approximately 15 years ago the bottom fell out as far as my health was concerned.

It all started when my husband came home with a new blood pressure monitor.
He and my oldest daughter, who is an EMT, were playing with it.

I said take mine. I know it is good…

...Boy was I wrong!!

To my surprise it was very high.

They both said you need to call a doctor tomorrow.

I must admit I hadn’t been to a doctor since my youngest daughter was born.
That would have been around 30 years.

I was trying to blow it off when my daughter said you can stroke out with a blood pressure like that.

I called my husband's primary care physician the next morning and told them what was going on.

They scheduled me to come in that afternoon.

They did blood work that day and started me on a blood pressure medication immediately.

After about 2 days the nurse called to give me the results of that blood work.

Other than high blood pressure I also had high cholesterol and thyroid issues.

But their biggest concern was my sugar levels.

They called in a prescription for a meter and test strips and wanted me to check my sugar 4 times a day and keep a log.

For someone that doesn’t like needles, that was a lot of finger sticks.

Of course I was immediately prescribed metformin, 1000mg twice a day.

The next week I went back to the doctor and he prescribed medications for all the other problems.

His biggest concern was still my sugar levels.

I attended dietary classes to learn what and how much I could eat.

And let's not forget the dreaded exercising they recommended.

It was hard changing my diet and learning how to eat differently but I got used to it.

I did good for about 10 years.

Then it seemed like nothing was working.

The doctor gave me another medication along with the metformin.

After about a year it was still high, so the dosage increased.

Last year I had to start taking a third medication for my sugar.

My pocketbook was getting lighter with the cost of all the medications I was on.

That's hard on a fixed income.

And they did nothing to ease the numbness and tingling in my hands and feet.

They didn't even help with my energy levels (which were low) or the dizzy spells I had.

I had a fear of getting dizzy, falling, and breaking a bone.

Before all this, I loved the holidays, but after my diagnosis I stopped going to holiday parties because no one understood I couldn't eat just anything.

Going out to eat wasn’t as enjoyable as it had been before either.

Fortunately, that has all changed.

My oldest found a simple all-natural bed-time ritual that I started a while back.

The doctor was so impressed with my recent blood work he told me to stop taking one of my medicines until my next visit.

My energy has skyrocketed, and those dizzy spells have stopped.

The sugar cravings are gone, I have more energy throughout the day, and I am down a couple dress sizes.

I decided this simple bed-time ritual needed to be shared.

Click the link below to discover the simple bed-time ritual before they are forced to take it down.

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